There are so many things to be grateful for on a daily basis, but I've been inspired to dote on my hubby and relish in his wonderfulness lately.....thanks to a couple of wonderful ladies.
My friend, Tina, recently wrote a wonderful post on her wonderful husband. You can read it here. And my dear friend, Amy, is the one behind the 12 Days of Christmas - SHMILY Style. Amy also just had a beautiful little baby girl a couple of days ago and managed to get me (and a bunch of others) inspired to bless our husbands and love on them this Christmas and I'm sure she is taking care of her hubby, too!
4. My husband, Joe and all his rockstar qualities!
He is a great dad and loves spending time with his girls. Be it tractor and bobcat rides, snuggling on the couch, running errands or swinging in the front yard.....he loves to do it all.
He is a big kid at heart and is always up for having fun.
He is an-all around smart capable man. He builds swingsets. He builds fences. He operates all kinds of equipment. He fixes water heaters and furnaces and garage doors and anything else that breaks.
He shares his ice cream.....he shares his chair....and does it all with a smile on his face.
He works super hard to provide for our family. He rises early, comes home late and often works through the night plowing snow with little to no sleep.
He is a great brother, son, father, husband, friend, neighbor,
and employer. best hot partner in life!
I am so blessed and ever thankful that I get to be his wife! Praise the Lord!
Head over to A Holy Experience and check out everyone else's Multitude Monday posts.
God bless!