522. The privilege of parenting and joy of staying home with these little ones
Monday, August 30, 2010
Multitude Monday
522. The privilege of parenting and joy of staying home with these little ones
Monday, August 23, 2010
Multitude Monday
In everything GIVE THANKS for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
1 Thessalonians 5:18
Thankfulness and joy in the everyday and not so everyday.....
508. Routines of laundry
509. Washing machines and clotheslines
510. Plenty of clothes for this everchanging, everexpanding belly
511. Light, little baby moving flutters
512. Charlie's name suggestions for her baby brother.....Elmo, Clifford and Scooby-Doo
513. Celebrating a big birthday for my wonderful hubby
514. Summer's freshness eaten now and packed tighly in jars
515. Blessings from the garden and other goodies from the Farmer's Market
516. Daddy taking his girls to the park
517. Little ones loving all the attention
518. Celebrating cousin's birthday
519. Simple pleasures of cold water on a hot day
520. Rising early for time with His Word
521. Starting a new Bible Study on Job

Have a blessed week!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Multitude Monday

501. Littlest Helper
502. Silly Girl
503. Fun days marked by how dirty we get
504. God Sightings
505. Beauty of His Wonder
506. Double Rainbows
507. Clearing Skies
So thankful for my endless blessings!
God bless!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Week 20 - Baby #3
For comparison.....this photo was baby belly at 16 weeks.
The next photo was taken this morning.....a little over 20 weeks along.
I had an ultrasound on Wednesday. Even though I have had a few ultrasounds over the last four years, it still amazes me how cool it is to see your little one moving around in there. And the details...waving fingers...beating heart...rolling over...breathtaking.
The little one was waving away.
Pregnancy is going well. I'm feeling pretty good and have a whole lot more energy than 6 weeks ago. Cori has no idea what is going on, but Charlie is all excited about the new baby.
God bless!
Who Needs Toys?
Toys are a racket...my children do not need them.
Give them a box...a stick...some canning rings...laundry basket full or empty...or
...a little mud!
God bless!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
A Summer at Home
Where has this summer went?
I feel like we are always on the go, but never really going anywhere.
Randomness from the last couple of weeks (in no particular order)...
*We decided on a whim to buy a camper (maybe we will go some where now)
* We celebrated Cori's 1st birthday
*I had my 20 week ultrasound (oh my, how time flies) and everything is looking fine
*One of our little kitties died (freak accident...he got tangled in some string he was playing with and strangled himself)
*We transplanted 23 pine trees from our yard to the top of the berm that runs along the front of our property (when I say we...I mean we hired someone)
*We planted more fruit trees...one peach and two plum
*Garden is going crazy...I picked our first melons this week, lots of tomatoes, peppers, cukes, zucchini and sweet corn
*32 pints of peaches canned, 23 pints of mild salsa canned, 8 pints of beets canned, 5 pies made and froze, 13 quarts of carrots froze, 40 cups of shredded zucchini froze, countless quarts and pints of pickles canned, 4 pints of apricot jam canned
*I love my new food processor and have no idea how I went so long without one
*My children amaze me everyday...growing like crazy, running around like mad...full of funny sayings and big open-mouthed kisses
*Work-wise/business is slow right now and on top of that I have a crazy customer arguing about a bill for work we did
Randomness from the last couple of weeks (in no particular order)...
*We decided on a whim to buy a camper (maybe we will go some where now)
* We celebrated Cori's 1st birthday
*I had my 20 week ultrasound (oh my, how time flies) and everything is looking fine
*One of our little kitties died (freak accident...he got tangled in some string he was playing with and strangled himself)
*We transplanted 23 pine trees from our yard to the top of the berm that runs along the front of our property (when I say we...I mean we hired someone)
*We planted more fruit trees...one peach and two plum
*Garden is going crazy...I picked our first melons this week, lots of tomatoes, peppers, cukes, zucchini and sweet corn
*32 pints of peaches canned, 23 pints of mild salsa canned, 8 pints of beets canned, 5 pies made and froze, 13 quarts of carrots froze, 40 cups of shredded zucchini froze, countless quarts and pints of pickles canned, 4 pints of apricot jam canned
*I love my new food processor and have no idea how I went so long without one
*My children amaze me everyday...growing like crazy, running around like mad...full of funny sayings and big open-mouthed kisses
*Work-wise/business is slow right now and on top of that I have a crazy customer arguing about a bill for work we did
Cori has picked up her mama's love of tomatoes.
She eats a whole one right from the garden whenever she gets the chance.
This is pretty much what my kitchen has looked like for weeks. I have a love/hate relationship with my garden. It seems so time consuming this time of year, but is so worth it come December.
And with the baby due in December, we know I will need all the help I can get.
What was I thinking? 65 pounds of peaches was probably not necessary.
God bless!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Happy Birthday Cori!
I'm a week late, but Happy Birthday to my baby girl, Cori! I can not believe how fast this last year has went. It seems like just yesterday you with so tiny and snuggly and now there is no getting you to sit still.
God bless!
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