Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I sit here tonight in the quiet of the moment and can't help but be overflowing with gratitude for this life I get to live out everyday. There are so many things to be thankful for. The Lord has truly blessed me.

Tonight, this season and always I am grateful for.....

Hubby out plowing snow...working hard everyday to provide for our family

Busy 3 year old finally resting peacefully next to me

Littlest one all tucked in her crib for the night

Baby boy kicking away from the inside out

Smells of pumpkin pie coming from the kitchen

Loads of family time over the next few days

Glowing fireplace and the heat it provides

Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

*Here are a few pictures of the girls. They are from a couple of weeks ago...I have taken almost no photos in the last 2 weeks.*

God bless!