Monday, July 26, 2010

Multitude Monday

holy experience

Last Thursday I got to spend the day with my wonderful friend, Lisa. Not only did we get about 90 quarts of pickles made, but we had fun doing it. It is always great to spend time with her and I feel like we have known each other forever. 

445. Soul Sisters

446. Bushels of cucumbers we didn't have to pick

447. Freshness of summertime

448. Garlic

449. Fresh dill

450. First batches
451. Only 2 broken jars

452. Accomplishing our goal
453. The home stretch
454. Old and new jars

455. Children growing into little helpers
456. Approaching 1st birthdays

457. More good days than bad days
458. Knowing that sick days won't always be here

459. New fruit trees and blueberry bushes to plant

460. A full week ahead

Have a blessed week!
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