Sunday, October 28, 2012

Multitude Monday - October 29, 2012

Joining Ann today for the first time in a long time...

...wonderful appointment with my midwives...

...hearing the little one's little heartbeat...

...finally over the tiredness and nausea..., tea, chili, soup - warmth on a fall day...

...surprise visits from Kelly and little Silas...

...a day spent with my mother-in-law, aunties, uncles and sister-in-laws - baking away...

...hearing of an upcoming wedding and the blessing of a new sister-in-law...
                    Congrats to Travis and Kelsey!

...still picking tomatoes at the end of October...

...weekend canning done - 9 qts of peach applesauce, 11 qts of tomato soup, 13 qts of chili...

Have a wonderful week!

God bless!

1 comment:

  1. I'm your neighbor at Ann's place today.  What a sweet list and darlin' little ones.
    Bless you...
