Monday, October 25, 2010

Multitude Monday

holy experience

I started keeping a journal out on the counter to record my everyday blessings. This week I thought I would just list the ones I have written down from last week. So in no real order.....


586. Hearing our sweet babysitter upstairs praying with the girls at lunch time
587. Lunch date with Joe.....just the 2 of us
588. Dan & Becky's Market.....natural/organic store not far from home
589. Learning new things every time I go there
590. Packages in the for baby boy from his auntie Kelly and uncle Dave
591. Charlie being ok after falling down the stairs


592. Bible Study with dear friends
593. Great studies and open conversations
594. Lunch with a dear friend, Kelly
595. Kids all playing at the park while we visited
596. Girls napping in the van
597. Whole family eating supper together
598. Finding eggs from the new hens
599. Calls from customers looking to have more work done


600. Charlie sitting soooo well at the dentist
601. Joe's ability and willingness to take Charlie with him
602. One-on-one time with Cori
603. Hubby who will do the dirty work
604. Cori sleeping through the night and sleeping in.....after not for the last 4 days
605. Cori giving her baby brother 'kisses and hugs'
606. Charlie's ideas of baby names.....Joseph Peterbilt
607. Cori's newest word.....CHEESE


608. Biblical teaching through the day.....Faith900
609. Friends blessing us with bags of clothes for the girls and baby boy
610. Dinner invitations
611. New recipes and my tweaks


612. Laughing from the kitchen
613. Baking with the aunties and cousins
614. Family recipes
615. Charlie rolling dough.....playing with dough.....eating dough
616. Homemade soup and bread


617. Silly kids
618. Ask Cori.....'Where is your nose?', 'Where is your belly?', etc. and she always points to her ear
619. Charlie's favorite question.....'What do you want to do in the morning?'
620. Little ones helping even when it means a big mess
621. Little ones learning new things even if it is annoying
622. Naps.....for mama too


623. Daddy doing the disciplining
624. Charlie wanting to work on her 'letters'
625. 31 Weeks (sorry for the really bad photo)

Have a blessed week!