Monday, June 6, 2011

Multitude Monday

It's been 3 months.....3 long months since I've posted a Multitude Monday list. I would love to say I haven't stopped counting during that time, but that's not the case. I feel like I've just been getting by these last few months.....everyone fed and clothed but not a lot else. I'm realizing I need this gratitude list. It keeps me grounded. I can easily get caught up in the dirty parts of my day.....the what-ifs and should-ofs and suppose-to-bes.

Back to it.....joining Ann today and counting my blessings.

736. Transformations and getting to be a part of it
737. God's grace and answered prayers

738. Joseph's skin clearing up.....again
739. Clear signs for dairy for mama

740. All 3 little ones napping at the same time.....even if for only 30 minutes
741. Solo Costco trip with all 3 little ones and them behaving wonderfully

742. Drier weather
743. Finally getting the garden planted.....most of it (hoping to finish today)

744. 4 year old saying she's sorry without being prompted
745. Almost 2 year old testing her independence
746. 5 month old sitting up by himself

God bless!


  1. I'm a mommy of  three as well and my daughter sitting up on her own made my list as well! Seems like we're in the same season of life...hard but so worth it!

    ANd yes, when my three kids nap at the same time...that is priceless!!

    thanks for sharing!

  2. Wonderful list Holly!  I know exactly what you mean when missing a list. 

    I love the picture!  Joseph is getting so big!  He looks great as do those little sweethearts!
