Monday, March 29, 2010

Multitude Monday

holy experience

Last weekend, we spent a bunch of time outside.....just being.....playing.....swinging.....laughing.....running.....chatting
.....roasting marshmallows.....a million other simple little things.

My joy and gratitude is overflowing and the list continues.....

234. Charlie's questions

235. Determination

236. Wagon rides

237. Resting

238. Seriousness

239. Ketchup-covered faces

240. Roasting marshmallows

241. Father's joy

242. 4-wheeler and drag to help dry the mud
243. 'Work' being fun

244. Clothesline weather

245. Showing little sisters the art of swinging

246. Happy smiling baby

247. Relaxed family time
248. Freedom of being self-employed
249. Hard work of being self-employed
250. Email, blogs, etc. to stay connected with those not near

251. Easter preparation and contemplation
252. The gift of Jesus

God bless!

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