I just read all of Genesis in 4 days...all 50 chapters. And it wasn't all that difficult...I actually enjoyed it. I've read all of Genesis before but never straight through. It's a wonderful flowing story with lots of Lifetime movie like qualities...lying, cheating, jealousy, stealing, killing, looting, favoritism and so much more. But in amongst all that crazyness is God...our Lord...our Savior. He is there with promises, comfort, and provisions. He also requires things from us...our faithfulness...our trust...our forgiveness.
Genesis 50:19-20 - But Joseph said to them, "Don't be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.
I want Joseph's faithfulness and his forgiveness. His brothers sold him into slavery and yet he forgave and helped them in tough times. Lord - Show me how to let go of bitterness and unforgiveness that I carry. Let me be as forgiving as You are!
Genesis 6:22 - Noah did everything just as God commanded him.
I want to trust like Noah and do just what God commands of me. Lord - Continue to show me the me you want me to be. And forgive me for the signs I ignore and the times I think I can do it myself. Thank you for your commandments and continue to guide me to a closer walk with you.
Check out Mom's Toolbox for other bloggers (I think there are 121 participating so far) reading through the Bible or to join in. You can also go to Bible in 90 Days site to get more information.
I know future reading may not be this easy, but looking forward to diving into Exodus tomorrow morning. Good night...hopefully...the baby is wide awake right now at 11:39 pm.