I was snopping over at Amanda's site and stumbled on her 'all about me' list and thought it was a great idea. So here are 100 things about me...and this was harder than I thought it would be.
1. Saved by God's grace
2. Love my hubby more every day
3...and think he is the hottest when he is all dirty from working
4. Mother of 2 beautiful girls
5. Would like to have a bunch of kids - 6 or 8 - but will probably have 4
6. Love my in-laws, they are awesome
7. Want to have chickens and goats
8...do have a steer
9. I rarely mop/scrub my floors
10. I have the appearance of organization, but don't open some closets in my home
11. I have phone-a-phobia (Joe's word), would rather send an email
12. I'm a lefty
13. I have an in-ground pool and rarely use it
14. I am not a vacationeer and would much rather stay home
15. I yell at my kids too much
16...I'm working on it
17. I'm a red head and have freckles...a lot of them
18. I wore braces for 2 years
19. My favorite show is House
20. I help my hubby run our contracting business
21. I'm in charge of all office related things, scheduling, estimating, calls, etc
22. I do all that at home with my kids every day
23. Some days I don't do it all well
24. I don't miss having a full time (out-of-the-house) job
25. I love my cowboy boots
26...but weather permitting am usually barefoot
27. I'm a t-shirt and jeans kind of girl
28. I gained 50 and 60 lbs during my pregnancies
29...I still haven't lost it all from the last pregancy
30. I feel beautiful when pregnant
31. I attend a small church (100 or so members) and love it
32. Both of my kids have had issues with dairy while nursing...I miss ice cream
33. I love to cook and bake
34...things taste good, but I don't do presentation well
35. I grow a veggie garden, but don't weed very well
36. I make and can a killer good black bean and corn salsa
37...still haven't mastered spaghetti sauce
38. I don't like to shop
39...but love grocery shopping
40. I'm obsessed with books and have many on my shelf that I haven't read yet
41. I try to eat organically as much as possible
42. I use cloth diapers some of the time
43. My children are not vaccinated
44. I love veggies and there isn't much I won't eat
45. My first car was a 1984 Chevy Celebrity
46. I don't like reality shows
47. I spend way too much time on Facebook
48. I'm not a sports kind of gal
49. I love a bargain...garage sales and auctions
50. I've been know to salvage things out of dumpsters as well
51. My love language is 'acts of service'
52. I still send handwritten notes and thank yous
53. I fell out of the car when I was 4 and only have a couple of little scars from it
54. I was a pretty good student and graduated 9th out of 82
55. I love coffee and could drink it all day long
56. I started a Bible Study group with some girlfriends and we meet weekly
57...sometimes I'm really prepared and sometimes I'm not
58. I'm not crafty
59. I would like to learn to knit or crochet
60. I read Dr. Mercola's website often
61. I nursed my oldest until she was 17 months old
62. I had mastitis once and thrush twice
63. I use to be a Diet Coke addict and now can't stand it
64. I don't like Cool Whip
65. I use to be a smoker
66. I'm the oldest of 4
67. I am a procrastinator
68. I love hosting the holidays
69. I could feed my family for many, many months on the food that's in my pantry and freezer
70. I don't mind my husband's snoring
71. I have a nice camera that I don't really know how to use
72. I love cookbooks and often read them from beginning to end like a regular book
73. I collect salt and pepper shakers
74...and old aprons
75. My favorite color is brown
76. I believe in Hell and it scares me that people I know may end up there
77. I love being a wife
78. I love being a mom
79. We decided to buy our home and closed on it within 3 weeks
80. I'm a good project starter, but get lost in the details
81. I really don't like playdoh
82. I listen to christian talk radio everyday
83. I drive a minivan and love it
84. I don't have a lot of close friends
85. I'm a babywearing mama
86. I don't know how to drive a stick
87. I don't trust my own abilities enough
88. I go days without opening my Bible
89. I don't know anyone's number and would not be able to call anyone if I lost my cell
90. I'm staying up way too late to finish this
91. I like mowing the lawn
92. I rarely floss or go to the dentist
93. I've never had a flu shot
94. I don't exercise
95. Sometimes I use the TV as a babysitter
96. I love my kid's eyes
97. I rarely put clean clothes away until I'm out of empty baskets
98. I never iron clothes
99. I love me the older I get
100. I love Jesus
God bless!